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National RTAP Announces Rural Transit Day - July 16, 2019

support • Jun 17, 2019


The nation's first #RuralTransitDay was celebrated with a  Twitter Chat on July 16, 2019, moderated by Kari Banta of Texas DOT, Julia Castillo of HIRTA, and Juanita Risch of Idaho Transportation Department. The chat focused on what agencies are doing to recognize passengers and staff on #RuralTransitDay and through the year, and shared thoughts about challenges and solutions for rural transit. Read the chat transcript and summary.


We've asked some of the participants to answer the question, "What does rural transit mean to you?"  Here are their answers . . . 

"Rural transit means opportunity, mobility, independence and inclusion to those who live and work in remote communities, " Julia Castillo, Executive Director, Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Authority (HIRTA) 

"Rural transit means the ability to get out and about in your community to shop, visit friends, and stay socially connected," Rachel Beyerle, Communications Director, Transportation Group, Easterseals, Inc.

"Rural transit means I get to enjoy a scenic route," Juanita Risch, Grants Officer, Idaho Public Transportation

"Rural transit means working together to find creative solutions for mobility. It's really about the community," Robin Phillips, Executive Director, National RTAP

"Rural transit is part of the community, not just moving people," Kari Banta, Program Manager, RTAP and Section 5310, Texas Department of Transportation

"When I think of rural transit I think of big vistas and the ability to connect people and places that seem far apart. On Rural Transit Day, let's focus on connections as we create a culture of health," Lynn Mertz, AARP Public Policy Institute

"It's all about assisting people in making the next connection, reaching desired destinations, building partnerships, it's about communities. We have a true ‘feel good’ job, where we GET to come to work every day and make a difference in people's lives," Panhandle Trails

"Small transit is a beautiful beginning of hope," Cathi Petagno, BOCC St. Lucie County Transit Division

Some tweets, with images personifying rural transit, that we'd like to share:

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